Logic and Economic Thinking - Reasoning

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Logic Courses Personal Finance Courses Risk Management Courses Behavioral Economics Courses Deductive Reasoning Courses Inductive Reasoning Courses Logical Fallacies Courses Scientific Method Courses

Course Description


Explore a comprehensive lecture on logic and economic thinking, covering a wide range of topics essential for critical reasoning and financial decision-making. Delve into deductive and inductive reasoning, logical fallacies, and cognitive biases such as the gambler's fallacy and confirmation bias. Learn about the scientific method, study types, and economic concepts like zero-sum games and value investing. Examine personal finance strategies for different age groups, investment principles, and market dynamics. Analyze complex economic phenomena, including sovereign debt, hyperinflation, and global supply chains. Gain insights into recent economic events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic's impact and potential currency resets. Develop a deeper understanding of market behavior, wealth distribution, and the long-term consequences of monetary policies.


Deduction vs. Induction (Deductive/Inductive Reasoning): Definition/Meaning, Explanation & Examples.
Logical Fallacies in One Minute: Non Sequitur, Ad Hominem, Red Herring, Straw Man and Slippery Slope.
The Gambler's Fallacy (AKA Monte Carlo Fallacy or Fallacy of Statistics) Explained in One Minute.
Loss Aversion and the Sunk Cost Fallacy Defined & Explained in One Minute.
The Scientific Method in One Minute: Definition, Explanation, Steps and Examples in Research/Science.
Study Types: Descriptive (Surveys) & Analytic (Randomized Controlled Trials, Observational Studies).
The Halo Effect, Reverse Halo Effect and Horn Effect Defined & Explained (w/ Examples) in One Minute.
Zero-Sum Games and Win-Win/Lose-Lose Situations Compared in One Minute.
The Greater Fool Theory Explained in One Minute: From "Definition" (Meaning) to Examples.
Personal Finance for Young People (Young Adults/Professionals) in One Minute: Facts, Tips & Examples.
Personal Finance for Older Adults (Including Senior Citizens/Retirees) in One Minute.
Confirmation Bias in Decision Making Explained in One Minute: From Definition/Meaning to Examples.
Contrarian Investing Defined/Explained in One Minute: Is Trading Against the Trend a Good Strategy?.
The Economics Behind... Delegating Tasks/Responsibility? Delegation Explained in One Minute.
The Risk to Reward Ratio Explained in One Minute: From Definition and "Formula" to Examples.
The Risk and Probability of Ruin (When Investing/Trading) Explained in One Minute.
Value Investing Explained in One Minute: The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett?.
Value Investing Explained in One Minute: The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham & Warren Buffett?.
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation: A One Minute Perspective on Correlation vs. Causation.
Past Performance Does Not Guarantee Future Results: Popular Quote/Disclaimer Explained in One Minute.
Survivorship Bias Explained in One Minute: From Definition/Meaning to Examples (Finance and Trading).
The Economics Behind Instant and Delayed Gratification Explained in One Minute: Consuming vs. Saving.
Fear and Greed... in One Minute: Emotional vs. Rational Economic Thinking and Investment Decisions.
The Lindy Effect Explained in One Minute: From Albert Goldman to Nassim Taleb, & Gold to... Bitcoin?.
The Coase Theorem Explained: Coasean Bargaining Definition, Conditions/Assumptions and Examples.
The Dunning-Kruger (David Dunning/Justin Kruger) Effect Explained: Definition/Meaning, Examples, ....
The Resource Curse (Paradox of Plenty) Explained: Definition/Meaning, Examples (Dutch Disease), etc..
The Alpha (Edge, Excess Return, Abnormal Rate of Return) of Investors/Traders Explained (One Minute).
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) When Investing/Trading Explained in One Minute.
"Whales" Explained in One Minute: Well-Funded Investors/Traders Like JPMorgan Chase's "London Whale".
A Market for Lemons: George Akerlof, Information Asymmetry, Imperfect Information & Market Failures.
Risk-On and Risk-Off (Safe Haven) Assets Explained: From Bonds (US Treasuries) to (Crypto)Currencies.
From Bullish to Bearish: Market Sentiment (AKA Investor Sentiment/Attention) Explained in One Minute.
Sovereign Debt (National, Government or Public Debt) Explained in One Minute: From Meaning to Crisis.
Sovereign Debt (National, Government or Public Debt) Explained in One Minute: From Meaning to Crisis.
(Broad) Types of Debt Levels Countries Have Explained in One Minute: Household, National & Corporate.
Why and How Do Asset Prices Collapse? Minsky Moments (Hyman Minsky) Explained in One Minute.
How Low Can Interest Rates Go? A One Minute Perspective on "Modern-Day" Central Banking Limits.
From Deflationary Shock/Crash to Inflationary Spiral: A One Minute "Deflation to Inflation" Scenario.
Is Hyperinflation a Threat for the United States or European Union Nations? A One Minute Perspective.
Legitimate Recovery or Dead Cat Bounce (DCB)? Catching a Falling Knife Explained in One Minute.
Pandemics and Complex Global Supply Chains: Supply Chain Complexity Explained in One Minute.
Pandemics and Complex Global Supply Chains: Supply Chain Complexity Explained in One Minute.
Was the COVID-19 Pandemic a Black Swan or White Swan Event?.
How Likely Is a Currency Reset in 2020 and Beyond? Currency Resets Explained in One Minute.
Stock Prices vs. Real Economy in One Minute: What Do Soaring Share Prices Tell Us About Main Street?.
V-Shaped Recoveries Explained and Compared to U, W and L-Shaped Recovery Scenarios... in One Minute.
Legal and Illegal Front-Running (Tailgating) Explained in One Minute: Buy the Rumor, Sell the News?.
Will the 2020 Economic Crisis Turn into a Great or Greater Depression? A One Minute Perspective.
Why the Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent... Explained in One Minute.
Why the Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent... Explained in One Minute.
Why the Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent... Explained in One Minute.
"Paper Profits" and "Paper Wealth" Explained in One Minute: Realized vs. Unrealized Gains.
The Economics Behind Living Paycheck to Paycheck: Debt Over-Optimization Explained in One Minute.
Will the Dollar Collapse Due to Low Interest Rates and Quantitative Easing? A One Minute Perspective.
Can Central Banks Keep "Printing" Money/Currency Forever? Permanent Monetary Stimulus in One Minute.
"Retail Bros" (Dave Portnoy) vs. "Suits" in One Minute: (Why) Do Most Retail Traders Lose Money?.
From Japan to the US, EU and Beyond: Balance Sheet Recessions (Richard Koo) Explained in One Minute.
The Wealth Effect Theory Explained in One Minute: Will/Should You Spend More If You "Feel" Richer?.
(Why and How) The Rich Are Getting Richer... in One Minute: Context, Reasons and Consequences.
US Dollar Crisis vs. Dollar Strength After a Crisis in the United States: One Minute, Two Scenarios.
What Could Replace the Dollar? Potential USD Alternatives (Gold, Currencies, etc.) in One Minute.
Unintended Consequences Explained in One Minute: From Definition to Examples.
Can Governments and Central Banks Defeat the Business Cycle? A "New Paradigm" in One Minute.
Deleveraging Explained in One Minute: From Definition to Examples.
The Economics (NOT Politics) Behind K-Shaped Recoveries Explained in One Minute.
The Problem(s) with too Much Debt Explained in One Minute.
The Economics (?) Behind Polarization Explained in One Minute.

Taught by

One Minute Economics

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