List Decoding of Tanner and Expander Amplified Codes

Offered By: Simons Institute via YouTube


Error-Correcting Codes Courses Graph Theory Courses Algorithms Courses Expander Graphs Courses Coding Theory Courses

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Explore a 48-minute lecture on list decoding of Tanner and expander amplified codes presented by Shashank Srivastava from TTI Chicago. Delve into advanced concepts in the theory of error-correcting codes as part of the Simons Institute's series on "Advances in the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes." Gain insights into the latest developments and techniques in list decoding, specifically focusing on Tanner codes and expander amplified codes. Enhance your understanding of error correction algorithms and their applications in modern communication systems.


List Decoding of Tanner and Expander Amplified Codes...

Taught by

Simons Institute

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