Linked List and Its Types - Singly, Doubly, Circular Etc.

Offered By: CodeHelp - by Babbar via YouTube


Linked Lists Courses Algorithms Courses Data Structures Courses Singly Linked List Courses Doubly Linked List Courses Circular Linked List Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive video tutorial on linked lists and their various types, including singly linked, doubly linked, and circular linked lists. Learn the fundamentals, advantages, and implementation details of these data structures. Explore insertion and deletion operations for each type, with step-by-step code demonstrations. Gain practical insights into when and why to use linked lists over dynamic arrays or vectors. Follow along with hands-on coding examples, and benefit from detailed explanations of complex concepts. By the end of this in-depth session, master the intricacies of linked list implementations and their applications in software development.


- Introduction
- why Linked List ?
- Promotion
- Linked List vs Dynamic Array or Vector
- Advantages of Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Implementation/Code
- InsertAtHead
- Insertion at Head Code
- InsertAtTail
- Insertion at Tail Code
- InsertInMiddle
- Insertion in Middle Code
- Deletion
- Deletion Code
- Doubly Linked List
- Insertion At Head Code
- Insertion At Tail Code
- Insertion at any Position
- Correction
- Deletion of Node in DLL Implementation
- Circular Linked List
- Insert Node in CLL
- Insertion Code
- Traversal Code
- Deletion Code
- Homework

Taught by

CodeHelp - by Babbar

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