Leveraging Cryptographic Lineage for Context and Connected Trust

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Cybersecurity Courses Generative AI Courses Cloud Native Computing Courses SPIFFE Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 37-minute conference talk that delves into leveraging cryptographic lineage for context and connected trust. Learn how to address the challenges of siloed and reactive approaches to cybersecurity, as well as the issues surrounding generative AI adoption. Discover the concept of building cryptographic lineage and its application in creating attested claims with chain of custody. Examine the integration of point-to-point zero trust using SPIFFE and how it can be extended to incorporate context at every step of a transaction. Gain insights into establishing traceability, auditability, and watermarkability with deep-rooted trust throughout the process. Understand the open-source effort behind attested claims and its potential to revolutionize security practices in cloud native computing environments.


Leveraging Cryptographic Lineage for Context and ConnectedTrust - Yogi Porla, Deep Lineage

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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