Leveling Up WebAssembly Support in Kubernetes

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses Microservices Courses WebAssembly Courses Application Deployment Courses Scalability Courses Containerization Courses Cloud Native Computing Courses Krustlet Courses

Course Description


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Explore the future of WebAssembly support in Kubernetes in this conference talk. Discover how WebAssembly technology can enhance high-performance app development within Kubernetes, offering cold start times of just half a millisecond. Learn about the evolution of Wasm support, from the early Krustlet project to the integration at the Containerd level with Runwasi. Investigate innovative approaches to leveraging WebAssembly's full potential without constraining it to container-like behavior. Delve into techniques for scaling WebAssembly workloads from zero to thousands and back instantly using proxying methods. Gain insights into how this technology complements containers, providing a powerful solution for rapid application deployment and scaling in cloud-native environments.


Leveling up Wasm Support in Kubernetes - Matt Butcher, Fermyon

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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