Level Up Your Debugging Workflow with CMake Presets, Disassembly View, & GitHub Actions
Offered By: ACCU Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Discover advanced debugging techniques in this 58-minute conference talk from ACCU 2022. Learn how to set up a simple embedded project on a Raspberry Pi using CMake Presets and Visual Studio Code's CMake Tools extension. Explore remote debugging, analyzing both source code and assembly language. Implement a Continuous Integration pipeline with GitHub Actions to automate building and testing. Optimize your workflow by using GitHub Codespaces for direct repository changes. While the demonstration uses a C++ embedded project, these practices are applicable to various application types, helping you enhance your debugging skills and deliver higher-quality products.
Level Up Your Debugging Workflow with CMake Presets, Disassembly View, & GitHub Actions Julia Reid
Taught by
ACCU Conference
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