Tolerant Property Testing and Distance Approximation in Sublinear Algorithms

Offered By: Simons Institute via YouTube


Sublinear Algorithms Courses Graph Theory Courses Computational Complexity Courses

Course Description


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Explore tolerant property testing and distance approximation algorithms in this Richard M. Karp Distinguished Lecture by Dana Ron from Tel Aviv University. Delve into the concept of property testing algorithms, which accept objects with specific properties and reject those far from having them. Learn about tolerant testing algorithms that also accept objects close to having the property, and distance-approximation algorithms that estimate the distance to having a property. Examine various examples of these algorithms for different object types and properties, including bipartiteness of graphs, monotonicity of functions, uniformity of distributions, and subsequence-freeness. Gain insights into hardness results and the broader implications for sublinear-time algorithms in theoretical computer science.


Let’s Try and Be More Tolerant: On Tolerant Property Testing and Distance Approximation

Taught by

Simons Institute

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