Stability and Lifting Properties for C*-algebras and Groups - Lecture 3

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


C* algebras Courses Group Theory Courses Functional Analysis Courses Operator Algebra Courses Operator Theory Courses Banach Algebra Courses Stability Theory Courses

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Explore stability and lifting properties for C*-algebras and groups in this 59-minute lecture delivered by Tatiana Shulman from the University of Gothenburg. Delve into advanced topics in operator algebras as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series at the Fields Institute. Gain insights into the intricate relationships between C*-algebras and group theory, focusing on stability concepts and lifting techniques. Enhance your understanding of operator algebra applications and their connections to group theory in this comprehensive presentation, which took place on October 5, 2023, as part of the Thematic Program on Operator Algebras and Applications.


Lecture 03 | Stability and lifting properties for C*-algebras and groups

Taught by

Fields Institute

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