Introduction to Random Walks on Groups - Lecture 3

Offered By: Fields Institute via YouTube


Random Walks Courses Group Theory Courses Markov Chains Courses Probability Theory Courses Harmonic Function Courses Ergodic Theory Courses Cayley Graphs Courses Infinite Groups Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fundamental concepts of random walks on groups in this comprehensive lecture delivered by Giulio Tiozzo from the University of Toronto. Delve into the mathematical principles and applications of this important topic in probability theory and group theory. Gain insights into the behavior of random processes on various group structures and understand their significance in diverse fields such as statistical physics, computer science, and cryptography. Examine key theorems, algorithms, and analytical techniques used to study random walks on different types of groups, including finite, infinite, and continuous groups. Enhance your understanding of stochastic processes and their interplay with algebraic structures through this in-depth exploration of random walks on groups.


Lecture 03 | Introduction to Random Walks on Groups

Taught by

Fields Institute

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