Learn Elasticsearch

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Elasticsearch Courses Docker Courses Kibana Courses Logstash Courses ELK Stack Courses Fluentd Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 8-hour tutorial series covering Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, Fluentd, FluentBit, and general logging concepts. Start with installing the ELK stack on CentOS 7 and progress through running ELK and EFK stacks in Docker containers. Learn to monitor system logs, Apache logs, and metrics using the ELK stack. Explore Elasticsearch v7.1.1 in Docker and set up alerts to Slack, Jira, and email using Elastalert. Discover how to monitor services with Heartbeat, configure Winlogbeat for Windows logs, and utilize AuditBeat and PacketBeat. Gain insights into Elastic stack X-Pack security and running Filebeat in containers. Conclude with a two-part exploration of Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes, providing a well-rounded understanding of Elasticsearch and its ecosystem for beginners.


[ ElasticSearch 1 ] Install logstash ELK stack on CentOS 7 | Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana.
[ ElasticSearch 2 ] Running ELK stack in Docker containers.
[ ElasticSearch 3 ] How to install EFK stack using Docker with Fluentd.
[ ElasticSearch 4 ] Monitoring System Logs and Metrics in ELK Stack.
[ ElasticSearch 5 ] Monitoring Apache Logs and Metrics in ELK stack.
[ Elasticsearch 6 ] Running Elasticsearch v7.1.1 in Docker containers.
[ Elasticsearch 7 ] Elasticsearch alerts to Slack using Elastalert.
[ Elasticsearch 8 ] Elasticsearch alerts to Jira using Elastalert.
[ Elasticsearch 9 ] Elasticsearch Email alerting using Elastalert.
[ Elasticsearch 10 ] Monitoring services using Heartbeat.
[ Elasticsearch 11 ] Configure Winlogbeat to monitor Windows logs & events.
[ Elasticsearch 12 ] How to configure and use AuditBeat.
[ Elasticsearch 13 ] How to configure and use PacketBeat.
[ Elasticsearch 14 ] Elastic stack X-Pack security demo.
[ ElasticSearch 15 ] Elastic Stack | Running Filebeat in a container.
[ Kube 73 ] Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes - Part 1.
[ Kube 74 ] Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes - Part 2.

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