Learn Dutch Holidays
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Learn more about Dutch culture with DutchPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Dutch holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you will learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in the Netherlands, and how they are celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Dutch vocabulary.
Dutch Holidays - Christmas.
Dutch Holidays - St. Nicholas - Sinterklaas.
Dutch Holidays - King's Day - Koningsdag.
Dutch Holidays - New Year's Day, New Year's Eve, Polar Bear Plunge.
Dutch Holidays - Ascension Day and Pentecost - Pinksteren.
Dutch Holidays - Easter and Good Friday - Pasen (1ste & 2de Paasdag).
Dutch Holidays - Carnival - Carnaval.
Dutch Holidays - Remembrance of the Dead - Dodenherdenking.
Dutch Holidays - Liberation Day - Bevrijdingsdag.
Dutch Holidays - Prince's Day - Prinsjesdag.
Dutch Holidays - Valentine's Day - Valentijnsdag.
Dutch Holidays - Epiphany and Twelfth Night - Drie koningen.
Dutch Holidays - Halloween.
Dutch Holidays - Mother's Day and Father's Day - Moedersdag & Vadersdag.
Dutch Holidays - World Animal Day - Wereldierendag.
Dutch Holidays - World Port Days - Wereldhavendagen Rotterdam.
Dutch Holidays - International Workers' Day - Dag van de arbeid.
Dutch Holidays - International Film Festival.
Dutch Holidays - Dutch Herring Festival.
Dutch Holidays - Rotterdam Marathon - ABN AMRO Marathon.
Dutch Holidays - Cheese Market - Kaasmarkt (Alkmaar).
Dutch Holidays - Floriade.
Dutch Holidays - Amsterdam Gay Pride.
Dutch Holidays - International Women's Day - Internationale vrouwendag.
Learn ALL Dutch Holidays in 1 Hour.
This is what you’ve been missing in your Dutch studies....
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Learn Dutch with DutchPod101.com
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