Lazy QObject Tree Traversal
Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore lazy QObject tree traversal techniques in this 38-minute conference talk from NDC Conferences. Dive into modern C++ approaches for improving iteration over QObject trees, addressing issues with current non-lazy implementations. Learn how to create custom composable range objects and leverage coroutines for on-demand retrieval of QObject children. Gain insights into the Qt framework, ranges, and coroutines, and discover practical implementations for lazy traversal. Examine code examples, including filter functions, cursor creation, and constexpr usage. Understand the benefits of lazy evaluation in QObject tree traversal and how it can enhance performance in your C++ applications.
About Qt
About QObject
QObject trees
Tree traversing
findChildren implementation
Coroutines in C++: core definitions
Coroutines in C++: implementation
Coroutines in C++: libraries
Coroutines in C++: usage example
Lazy traversal with coroutines: implementation
Lazy traversal with coroutines: usage example
Implementation without coroutines
Ranges in C++: example
Everything is lazy!
Create a new view
Create a cursor (single-pass)
Basic functionality implementation constexpr auto children
QObject tree traversal
Filter by type, name, and regex
Make a copy
Test environment
Useful links
Taught by
NDC Conferences
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