Laravel From Scratch

Offered By: Traversy Media via YouTube


Laravel Courses Web Development Courses PHP Courses MySQL Courses Database Management Courses Routing Courses Web Application Development Courses MVC Architecture Courses Blade Templating Courses

Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive 4-hour course to master Laravel PHP framework from the ground up. Build a fully functional job listings application using Laravel 9 and MySQL. Dive into essential concepts including routing, Blade templating, Eloquent ORM, database migrations, seeding, and factories. Explore advanced topics such as component creation, pagination, file uploads, user authentication, and authorization. Learn to implement CRUD operations, handle form validation, and create relationships between models. Gain practical experience with middleware, resource controllers, and the Clockwork package for debugging. By the end of this extensive tutorial, develop the skills to create robust, feature-rich web applications using Laravel's powerful ecosystem.


- Intro.
- Linode Sponsor.
- Project Demo.
- Setting Up Laravel.
- Routing & Responses.
- Wildcard Endpoints.
- Route Constraints.
- Die Dump Helpers.
- Request & Query Params.
- API Routes.
- View Basics & Passing Data.
- Blade Templates & Basic Directives.
- Creating a Basic Model.
- Database Setup & Config.
- Create Database & User.
- Creating Database Migrations.
- Running Migrations.
- Database Seeding.
- Create an Eloquent Model.
- Creating a Factory.
- Creating a Layout & Sections.
- Adding the Theme HTML.
- Template Partials.
- Single Listing Formatting.
- Route Model Binding.
- Blade Components.
- Component Attributes.
- Tags Component.
- Controllers.
- Resource Method Naming.
- Using a Layout Component.
- Tag Filter.
- Search Filter.
- Clockwork Package.
- Create Listing Form.
- Validation & Store Listing.
- Mass Assignment Rule.
- Flash Messages.
- Alpine.js For Message Removal.
- Keep Old Data In Form.
- Pagination.
- File Upload.
- Edit Listing.
- Delete Listing.
- User Registration.
- Auth Links.
- User Logout.
- User Login.
- Auth & Guest Middleware.
- Relationships.
- Tinker Tinkering.
- Add Ownership to Listings.
- Manage Listings Page.
- User Authorization.

Taught by

Traversy Media

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