Kubernetes Node Firewalling from the Inside Out

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses Network Security Courses Cloud Native Computing Courses iptables Courses Firewalld Courses Cilium Courses

Course Description


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Explore host network firewalling in Kubernetes nodes through this informative conference talk. Delve into the limitations of Kubernetes API in managing host networking policies and discover alternative approaches to secure node host networks. Learn about contemporary implementations that offer in-cluster host network firewalling, focusing on Talos as a Kubernetes distribution and Cilium as an advanced CNI. Gain insights into declaring host firewalling as resources within the cluster, moving beyond traditional methods of using bash scripts for Iptables and Firewalld. Understand how to leverage declarative resources for more effective and manageable host network security in Kubernetes environments.


Kubernetes Node Firewalling from the Inside Out - Jef Spaleta & Justin Garrison

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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