KPZ Physics in Integrable Spin Chains

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Integrable Spin-Chains Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses Hilbert-space fragmentation Courses Many-Body Localization Courses Dynamical Freezing Courses

Course Description


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Explore KPZ physics in integrable spin chains through this 38-minute lecture by Abhishek Dhar from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into the stability of quantum matter in and out of equilibrium at various scales, part of a comprehensive program examining many-body quantum systems with coherent time evolution. Gain insights into mechanisms constraining many-body dynamics in Hilbert space, including Many-body localization, Floquet MBL, Dynamical Freezing, and Hilbert Space Fragmentation. Learn about the interdisciplinary approach drawing from Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, and Mathematics to understand many-body stability problems. Discover the relevance of this research for developing stable quantum devices and enhancing control over quantum systems.


KPZ physics in integrable spin chains by Abhishek Dhar

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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