Multithreaded Python without the GIL
Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the groundbreaking "nogil" project in this 53-minute keynote presentation from EuroPython 2022. Delve into the challenges posed by CPython's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and discover how its removal could revolutionize multithreaded Python programming. Learn about the potential benefits, including improved efficiency in parallel processing, reduced startup times, enhanced stability in data handling, and minimized overhead in inter-process communication. Gain insights into the technical changes required to run Python without the GIL, and understand the implications for both Python programmers and extension authors. Examine the project's goals of maintaining backward compatibility and single-threaded performance while opening new possibilities for parallel execution in Python.
Keynote: Multithreaded Python without the GIL - presented by Sam Gross
Taught by
EuroPython Conference
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