C++ Painkillers for C++ Developers - The Evolution of C++ Tooling
Offered By: CppNow via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the evolution of C++ tooling and its impact on developer productivity in this keynote address from C++Now 2024. Delve into the top pain points faced by C++ developers, focusing on dependency management, CI/CD pipelines, build times, CMake, and toolchain setup. Examine how the language's toolability has progressed over time and its current state. Investigate the challenges that make C++ difficult to tool compared to other languages, and discover examples where tools play a crucial role in adopting new language features. Learn how language creators are now considering tooling alongside language improvements. Review a toolset addressing the major C++ pain points identified in the Annual C++ Developer Survey Lite, and discuss potential tools that could further enhance the C++ development experience.
Keynote: C++ Painkillers for C++ Developers - The Evolution of C++ Tooling - Anastasia Kazakova
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