Building Teams Through Systems Thinking and Stories

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Mentorship Courses Organizational Culture Courses Team Building Courses Systems Thinking Courses

Course Description


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Explore the nuances of team building and professional development in this engaging keynote address. Delve into the distinctions between mentorship and sponsorship, examining their roles in fostering successful teams. Investigate the responsibilities of senior engineers in supporting early-career colleagues and the importance of systems thinking beyond coding skills. Discover strategies for creating a welcoming environment for the next generation of creators and learn how to cultivate a culture that embraces continuous learning and exploration. Gain insights on normalizing the acceptance of not having all the answers and how this approach can lead to more innovative and collaborative teams.


Keynote - Building Teams Through Systems Thinking and Stories - Scott Hanselman

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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