The Next 5,000 Days of the Web

Offered By: TED via YouTube


TED Courses Futurism Courses

Course Description


Explore the future of the internet in this thought-provoking TED talk. Discover how the World Wide Web, only 5,000 days old at the time, has transformed our world and learn about predictions for its next 5,000 days. Delve into concepts such as the Web's processing power surpassing humanity, the interconnectedness of data and things, and humans becoming extended senses of the Machine. Gain insights into the evolution from linking computers to linking pages, data, and ultimately, the entire world. Challenge your beliefs about what's possible and prepare for the exciting developments that lie ahead in the realm of technology and connectivity.


Satellite images of whole earth
The first lesson of the Web: Have to get better in believing the impossible.
The next 5,000 Days...
2040 The Web will exceed humanity in processing power.
The web will own every bit.
Humans are the extended senses of the Machine.
Linking computers The Net
Linking pages The Web
Linking data The One
Linking things The World
The next 5,000 Days!

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