JPA Buddy - From Zero to Hero

Offered By: JetBrains via YouTube


JPA Courses IntelliJ IDEA Courses Database Migration Courses Spring Data Courses Flyway Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a live-coding session exploring JPA Buddy's comprehensive functionality for managing JPA data models from scratch. Learn about coding assistance and smart inspection features for effortlessly creating JPA entities, Spring Data repositories, DTOs, and mappers, with real-time validation feedback. Discover database migration capabilities using Flyway or Liquibase, and explore reverse engineering tools for generating JPA entities from existing database schemas. Gain valuable insights into JPA Buddy's integration with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and enhance your development workflow in the Java and Spring ecosystems. Perfect for developers regularly working with JPA-related libraries, this 59-minute tutorial by Marco Behler, Developer Advocate at JetBrains, offers practical knowledge and techniques to streamline your JPA development process.


JPA Buddy – From Zero to Hero | @MarcoCodes

Taught by

IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains


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