Journey to the Centre of a Neutron Star by Professor G Srinivasan
Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Course Description
Summer course 2018 - A Random walk in astro-physics
Journey to the Center of a Neutron Star Lecture - 11
How does Nature make Neutron Stars?
Onion skin model of a star
Core collapse -Neutron star -Supernova
Neutron Star as "ground state of matter"
Absolute ground state of matter at zero pressure
A journey to the centre
Beta Equilibrium in the fluid core
Equation of state above the "neutron drip"
Exotic states near the centre?
Exotic states?
Bose - Einstein Statistics
Bose-Einstein Distribution & Fermi-Dirac Distribution
Bose-Einstein Condensation
Degenerate Bose Gas
Pion condensation
Quark - Gluon soup?!
Superfluidity in Neutron Stars
BCS Theory of Superconductivity
Order Parameter
Why superconductivity is a low temperature phenomenon?
Superconductors are diamagnets
Superfluidity and Superconductivity
Superfluid states in Neutron Stars
Superfluid in a rotating vessel
Neutron superfluidity
Proton Superconductivity
Type II Superconductors
Type II Superconductivity
Abrikosov vortex lattices
Proton superconductivity in neutron stars
Proton Superconductivity
The inter-pinning of the fluxoids and vortices
Coupled 'Super states'
Next Lecture: Millisecond Pulsars
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
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