Journey to Highly Effective and Maintainable CSS Media Queries

Offered By: WeAreDevelopers via YouTube


WeAreDevelopers World Congress Courses Computer Science Courses Web Development Courses Responsive Web Design Courses CSS Media Queries Courses Breakpoints Courses

Course Description


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Explore best practices for creating highly effective and maintainable CSS media queries in this 24-minute conference talk from WeAreDevelopers. Discover optimal placement strategies for media queries, learn techniques for writing more maintainable definitions, and gain insights into selecting the most effective breakpoints. Examine common CSS layout implementations to understand the advantages of mobile-first authoring, which can significantly simplify your code. Delve into topics such as popular breakpoints, resolution considerations, and the "Golden Rule" of responsive design. Gain practical knowledge on using SASS for maintainable definitions, strategic placement of media queries, and bonus tips for mobile-first development. Enhance your CSS skills and create more efficient, responsive designs with the expertise shared in this comprehensive presentation.


The Journey
My Background
Choosing Highly Effective Breakpoints
Most Popular Breakpoints
Most Popular Resolution
Golden Rule
Stage 2 Tweak Points
Maintainable definitions
SAS Code
Stage 5 Place Media Queries
Stage 6 Place Media Queries
Place Media Queries at the Bottom
Keep Media Queries Together
Bonus Tip
Mobile First

Taught by


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