Axions in Cosmology

Offered By: Galileo Galilei Institute via YouTube


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Course Description


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Explore the fascinating realm of axions and their role in cosmology through this comprehensive lecture delivered by experts Javier Redondo and Giovanni Pierobon. Delve into the theoretical foundations and cosmological implications of axions, gaining insights into their potential significance in understanding the universe's structure and evolution. Learn about the latest research, experimental efforts, and theoretical developments in axion physics, and discover how these hypothetical particles may contribute to solving longstanding puzzles in cosmology, such as dark matter and the strong CP problem. Engage with cutting-edge concepts and expand your knowledge of particle physics and its intersection with cosmological theories in this in-depth, 91-minute presentation from the Galileo Galilei Institute.


Javier Redondo & Giovanni Pierobon: "Axions in Cosmology"

Taught by

Galileo Galilei Institute

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