Java Puzzlers NG S02 - Down the Rabbit Hole

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Java Courses Monads Courses CompletableFuture Courses

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Dive into a captivating 54-minute conference talk that explores the intricacies and quirks of Java 8 and beyond. Discover how streams, lambdas, monads, Optionals, and CompletableFutures can lead developers down a rabbit hole of confusion and complexity. Prepare for an entertaining session filled with Java WTFs, clever jokes, and challenging puzzlers that will test your understanding of the language. Learn about the upcoming features in Java 9 and how they might introduce even more perplexing scenarios. Join Baruch Sadogursky, Developer Advocate at JFrog, and Viktor Gamov, Senior Solution Architect at Hazelcast, as they guide you through this engaging exploration of Java's nuances, offering valuable insights and the chance to win prizes along the way.


Java Puzzlers NG S02: Down the Rabbit Hole by Baruch Sadogursky and Viktor Gamov

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