Java Packaging Tool - Create Native Packages to Deploy Java Applications

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


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Discover how to create native packages for deploying Java applications using the jpackage tool introduced in JDK 14. Learn about supported platforms and package formats, including .exe and .msi for Windows, .dmg for macOS, and .rpm and .deb for Linux. Explore how jpackage works in conjunction with jlink to deliver standalone applications with the required JDK modules. Gain insights into using jpackage through detailed explanations and practical examples for various application deployment scenarios. The talk covers an introduction to Java Package, its functionality, example use cases, Linux-specific options, and includes demonstrations. Presented by Kevin Rushforth, a member of the Oracle Java Team and co-project lead for the OpenJFX project on OpenJDK, this conference talk provides valuable knowledge for Java developers looking to streamline their application distribution process.


What is Java Package
Java Packager
Example Use Cases
Linux Specific Options

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