Counting Holomorphic Disks with Boundary on the Chiang Lagrangian

Offered By: M-Seminar, Kansas State University via YouTube


Symplectic Geometry Courses Real Algebraic Geometry Courses Floer Theory Courses Lagrangian Submanifolds Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive lecture on open Gromov-Witten invariants and holomorphic disks with boundary on the Chiang Lagrangian. Delve into the computation methods, focusing on Floer theory techniques rather than real algebraic geometry. Examine the periodic behaviors of invariants with periods 8 and 16, and investigate the arithmetic structure of open WDVV equations revealed by the power-of-two denominators. Gain essential background knowledge on open Gromov-Witten theory and understand its applications in this context. Learn about the collaborative research efforts behind these findings, involving Hollands-Kosloff-Sela-Shu and Tukachinsky, as presented by Jake Solomon from Hebrew University at the M-Seminar, Kansas State University.


Jake Solomon - Counting holomorphic disks with boundary on the Chiang Lagrangian

Taught by

M-Seminar, Kansas State University

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