It's Simple
Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the concept of simplicity in complex systems through this thought-provoking conference talk by Adrian Cockcroft, Technology Fellow and Architect behind Netflix Cloud Infrastructure. Delve into the meanings of simplicity and complexity, and learn strategies for managing intricate systems as they scale. Examine real-world examples of unnecessary complications in everyday objects and work environments. Discover the importance of goal-setting, trust, and purposeful system design in creating high-trust cultures. Investigate the relationship between organizational structure and system architecture through Conway's Law. Gain insights on the transition from monolithic applications to microservices, and understand the significance of symmetry in system design. Apply these principles to improve your approach to building and managing large-scale technological infrastructures.
Its Simple
needlessly complicated cars
phone complexity
work culture
goal setting
drive away talent
purposeful systems
high trust culture
Conways law
You run it
Monolithic app
Taught by
GOTO Conferences
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