It's All About Morphisms

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Java Courses Kotlin Courses Object-oriented programming Courses Functional Programming Courses Monads Courses Monoids Courses Category Theory Courses

Course Description


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Explore the foundations of Category Theory for programmers in this 47-minute conference talk by Uberto Barbini at Devoxx. Gain a gentle introduction to functional programming concepts, tailored for developers with an Object-Oriented Programming background. Discover key ideas through clear diagrams, simple metaphors, and practical examples, with no prior knowledge of Haskell or other functional languages required. Uncover the meaning behind terms like Monoids and Monads, understand the distinction between functions and functors, and grasp the essence of Categories. Learn how these fundamental concepts can enhance your programming skills across various languages. Examine code samples in Java and Kotlin, utilizing Vavr and Kategory libraries, to see practical applications. Compare functional programming strategies with classical OOP approaches and explore how to apply these concepts in real-world programming scenarios.


It's All About Morphisms with Uberto Barbini

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