Istio Cookbook - Kiali Recipe

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Conference Talks Courses Istio Courses KIALI Courses Fault Injection Courses

Course Description


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Explore Kiali, the management console for Istio, in this 27-minute conference talk by Lucas Ponce from Red Hat. Dive into Istio's powerful features, including service discovery, traffic management, security, observability, rolling releases, and resiliency. Learn how Kiali simplifies the management of complex Istio configurations and provides valuable insights through dashboards and observability tools. Follow along with multiple scenarios demonstrating Istio capabilities using a multi-namespace demo application. Discover how to deploy namespaces, expose external traffic, build graphs with Kiali, implement advanced traffic routing, perform full injection scenarios, and enhance security within your service mesh environment.


Demo Agenda
Deploying namespaces
Exposure to external traffic
Kiali to build a graph
Advanced traffic routines
Full injection scenario
Security scenario

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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