Isoperimetric Inequalities in High Dimensional Convex Sets - Lecture 3, Part 3

Offered By: Institut Henri Poincaré via YouTube


Mathematical Analysis Courses Isoperimetric Inequalities Courses High Dimensional Geometry Courses Kannan-Lovasz-Simonovits Conjecture Courses Bourgain's Slicing Problem Courses

Course Description


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Explore the third part of the third lecture on isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets, delivered by Joseph Lehec at the Institut Henri Poincaré. Delve into advanced mathematical concepts related to Bourgain's slicing problem and the Kannan-Lovasz-Simonovits (KLS) isoperimetric conjecture. This 55-minute lecture is part of a comprehensive IHP school series, featuring talks by Bo'az Klartag and Joseph Lehec, aimed at deepening understanding of these complex geometric problems. Gain insights into cutting-edge research in high-dimensional convex geometry and its applications.


Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets (Lecture 3 - Part 3)

Taught by

Institut Henri Poincaré

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