Is There Anybody Out There?

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Akka Courses Play Framework Courses Fault Tolerance Courses Scalability Courses Consensus Algorithms Courses

Course Description


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Explore the world of distributed systems through the eyes of a cluster node in this 45-minute Devoxx conference talk. Dive into the challenges of building fault-tolerant and scalable reactive applications, addressing the uncertainties of networked environments. Learn about failure detectors, dissemination strategies, and consensus algorithms in the context of Akka Cluster, interwoven with Pink Floyd references. Gain insights from Manuel Bernhardt, an experienced engineer and consultant specializing in distributed computing and reactive application architecture, as he shares his expertise on building robust networked applications using Akka, Play Framework, Scala, and Java.


Is there anybody out there? by Manuel Bernhardt

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