Is Domain-Driven Design Overrated?
Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the controversial question of whether Domain-Driven Design (DDD) is overrated in this thought-provoking conference talk by Stefan Tilkov at GOTOpia Chicago 2021. Delve into the key aspects of DDD, including ubiquitous language, tactical patterns, and strategic design, while examining its contributions and potential misunderstandings. Analyze the concept of bounded contexts and conceptual extensibility, and critically evaluate when design should be domain-driven. Gain insights into the strengths and limitations of DDD, and learn how to approach software design hypes with a balanced perspective. Conclude with a reevaluation of contexts and a final assessment of DDD's value in modern software development.
What is DDD?
Key aspect 1: Ubiquitous language
Key aspect 2: Tactical patterns
Key aspect 3: Strategic design
Bounded contexts
Conceptual extensibility
Should design be domain-driven?
Contexts revisited
Is DDD overrated?
Taught by
GOTO Conferences
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