Introduction to Visual Studio - Sparky Engine - How To Make a Game Engine
Offered By: The Cherno via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fundamentals of game engine development using Visual Studio in this comprehensive one-hour tutorial. Learn to navigate the Solution Explorer, utilize Class View, and harness the power of Intellisense for efficient coding. Dive into the differences between static and dynamic libraries, master debugging techniques, and understand build configurations. Discover how to set up include directories, resolve external symbols, and run your code effectively. Gain insights into debug and release modes, learn to use breakpoints strategically, and explore advanced debugging features like conditional breakpoints and memory inspection. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid foundation in using Visual Studio for game engine development, specifically focusing on the Sparky Engine.
Solution Explorer
Class View
Eclipse Outline
Static vs Dynamic Libraries
Printer API
Add Include Directory
Angular Brackets
Unresolved External Symbol
Running the Code
Build Configurations
Build Configuration Differences
Debug Builds
Release Mode
Debug Mode
Control Flow
Conditional Breakpoints
Call Stack
Taught by
The Cherno
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