Introduction to Timescale - Getting Started with Time-Series Data

Offered By: Rawkode Academy via YouTube


Time Series Databases Courses Data Analysis Courses Data Visualization Courses Cloud Computing Courses SQL Courses PostgreSQL Courses Grafana Courses Database Management Courses Geospatial Data Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a comprehensive introduction to Timescale in this 1-hour 28-minute video from Rawkode Live. Learn everything you need to know to get started with this open-source time-series database. Explore Timescale's features through slides, launch a cloud instance, install necessary tools, and connect to the database. Import and query New York taxi data, and witness an advanced demonstration of geospatial time series data visualization with Grafana. Gain valuable insights from Timescale Developer Advocate Avthar Sewrathan as he guides you through practical examples and real-world applications of this powerful PostgreSQL extension.


- Holding screen
- Introductions
- What is Timescale? Slides
- Launching a cloud Timescale instance with Forge
- Installing psql and pgAdmin4
- Enabling the Timescale extension
- Connecting to Timescale with psql
- Importing the New York taxi data
- Querying our data
- Advanced demo of geospatial time series data with Grafana

Taught by

Rawkode Academy

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