Introduction to gRPC with ScalaPB

Offered By: Scala Days Conferences via YouTube


Scala Days Courses Scala Courses Microservices Courses gRPC Courses Asynchronous Programming Courses Protocol Buffers Courses Akka Streams Courses

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Explore gRPC application development in Scala using ScalaPB in this conference talk from Scala Days Copenhagen 2017. Dive into the modern, high-performance RPC framework designed for microservice-oriented systems, learning about its HTTP/2 support, protocol buffers, bi-directional streaming, and type-safety features. Discover how to integrate ScalaPB into your sbt workflow for automatic source code generation of services, messages, and client stubs. Follow along with live coding examples demonstrating gRPC setup, service implementation, and client creation using various communication styles, including single request/response and bi-directional streaming. If time permits, gain insights into integrating gRPC with Akka Streams for enhanced functionality.


Introduction to gRPC with ScalaPB by Petra Bierleutgeb

Taught by

Scala Days Conferences

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