Introduction to Excel VBA Programming

Offered By: Cal Poly Pomona via YouTube


Microsoft Excel Courses Visual Basic Courses Macros Courses Task Automation Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 5-hour tutorial on Excel VBA Programming offered by Cal Poly Pomona. Master essential Excel skills, including cell naming, built-in functions, and plotting, before exploring the VBA environment. Learn to create macros, work with variables, and utilize message boxes. Discover data types, constants, and built-in VBA functions. Explore sub and function procedures, decision structures, loops, and UserForms. Gain proficiency in working with arrays and dynamic memory allocation. Progress through hands-on examples and practical applications to enhance your Excel VBA programming skills.


Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 1.
Excel VBA Topic 1.1 - Getting Started in Excel (2007).
Excel VBA Topic 1.2 - Order of Operations.
Excel VBA Topic 1.3 - Defining Cell Names.
Excel VBA Topic 1.4 - Built-in Functions in Excel.
Excel VBA Topic 1.5 - Relative vs Absolute References in Worksheets.
Excel VBA Topic 1.6 - Plotting in Excel 2007.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 2.
Excel VBA Topic 2.1 - Accessing the VBA Environment.
Excel VBA Topic 2.2 - Creating Your First VBA Macro.
Excel VBA Topic 2.3 - Variables.
Excel VBA Topic 2.4 - Message Boxes & Input Boxes.
Excel VBA Topic 2.5 - Absolute vs Relative References in VBA.
Excel VBA Topic 2.6 - Recording Macros.
Excel VBA Topic 2.7 - Making Better Use of Space.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 3.
Excel VBA Topic 3.1 - Data Types.
Excel VBA Topic 3.2 - Constant Variables.
Excel VBA Topic 3.3 - Built-in Functions in VBA.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 4.
Excel VBA Topic 4.1 - Sub Procedures.
Excel VBA Topic 4.1.1 - Example, Calling a Sub Procedure.
Excel VBA Topic 4.1.2 - Example, Reusing a Sub Procedure.
Excel VBA Topic 4.2 - Variable Scope and Variable Lifetime.
Excel VBA Topic 4.3 - Passing By Reference vs Passing By Value.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 5.
Excel VBA Topic 5.1 - Function Procedures.
Excel VBA Topic 5.2 - Customized Worksheet Functions.
Excel VBA Topic 5.3 - Procedures within Procedures.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 6.
Excel VBA Topic 6.1 - Relational and Logical Operators.
Excel VBA Topic 6.2 - If-Then Structures.
Excel VBA Topic 6.3 - If-Then-Else Structures.
Excel VBA Topic 6.4 - If-Then-ElseIf Structures.
Excel VBA Topic 6.5 - Select Case Structures.
Excel VBA Topic 6.6 - Flowcharts.
Excel VBA Topic 6.7 - Nested Decision Structures.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 7.
Excel VBA Topic 7.1 - Introduction to Repetitive Execution (Loops).
Excel VBA Topic 7.2 - For Loops.
Excel VBA Topic 7.3 - Do While & Do Until loops.
Excel VBA Topic 7.4 - Nested Loops.
Excel VBA Topic 7.5 - Using Loops with Worksheets.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 8.
Excel VBA Topic 8.1 - Introduction to UserForms.
Excel VBA Topic 8.2 - UserForm example with OptionButton and ComboBox.
Excel VBA - Introduction to Topic 9.
Excel VBA Topic 9.1 - 1D Arrays (vectors).
Excel VBA Topic 9.2 - Multidimensional Arrays (matrices).
Excel VBA Topic 9.3 - Passing Arrays to Procedures.
Excel VBA Topic 9.4 - Dynamic Memory Allocation (ReDim statement).
Excel VBA - Final Thoughts.

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