Introduction to C++ - Basics and Exercises

Offered By: Rawkode Academy via YouTube


C++ Courses CMake Courses Data Structures Courses Type Inference Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a comprehensive C++ tutorial video featuring Sy Brand, a C++ Developer Advocate at Microsoft, guiding host David McKay through basic C++ exercises on Exercism.io. Learn about essential C++ concepts including headers, namespaces, functions, CMake building, strings, sets, loops, ranges, conditionals, idiomatic C++ practices, type inference, and references. Explore the Catch Test Framework and gain insights into C++ conferences. Perfect for beginners looking to grasp fundamental C++ programming concepts through practical exercises and expert guidance.


- Holding Screen
- Introductions
- What is Exercism?
- Catch Test Framework
- Hello, world: Headers, Namespaces, and Functions
- Building with CMake
- Isogram: Strings, Sets, Loops, Range, and Conditionals
- Idiotmatic C++ and C++ Conferences
- Type Inference auto and References

Taught by

Rawkode Academy

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