Introduction to Bioinformatics

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Bioinformatics Courses Regular Expressions Courses Hidden Markov Models Courses Phylogenetics Courses

Course Description


Explore the fundamentals of bioinformatics in this comprehensive 8-hour course. Delve into the definition, history, and importance of informatics in biology, examining landmark projects like the Human Genome Project and Mouse Genome. Investigate synteny between human, mouse, and fish genomes, and learn about the crucial role of databases in biological research. Discover primary, secondary, structure, and function databases while mastering sequence conservation and analysis techniques. Study essential algorithms such as Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman for global and local alignments, and explore PAM and BLOSUM substitution matrices. Gain insights into Hidden Markov Models and their applications in bioinformatics. Examine the basics of phylogenetics, including tree taxonomy, distance calculation, and tree-building methods like UPGMA and Neighbor Joining. Practice multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree construction using MEGA software. Understand gene duplication, speciation, and gene-species tree reconciliation to round out your introduction to this vital field at the intersection of biology and computer science.


Introduction to Bioinformatics - definition and history (Lecture 1).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Importance of informatics in biology (Lecture 2).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Human Genome Project (Lecture 3).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Mouse Genome (Lecture 4).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Synteny between Human Mouse and Fish Genomes (Lecture 5).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Why database is important in biology ? Lecture 6.
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Primary and Secondary Databases (Lecture 7).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Structure and Function Databases (Lecture 8).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Sequence Conservation and Analysis (lecture 9).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Regular Expression (Lecture 10).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Needleman Wunsch Algorithm.
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Needleman Wunsch algorithm - Part 1 (Lecture 11).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Needleman Wunsch algorithm - Part 2 (Lecture 11).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Needleman Wunsch algorithm - Part 3 (Lecture 11).
Introduction to Bioinformatics - Needleman Wunsch algorithm Traceback - Part 4 (Lecture 11).
PAM and BLOSUM substitution matrices - Concepts.
Finding Repeated Matches - Pairwise Alignment using BLOSUM Substitution Matrix.
Overlap Matches using pairwise alignment algorithm (Part 1).
Overlap Matches using pairwise alignment algorithm (Part 2).
Hidden Markov Model in Bioinformatics - HMM (Part 1).
Hidden Markov Model in Bioinformatics (Part 2).
Basics of Phylogenetics - Significance of Root in a tree.
Basics of Phylogenetics - Tree Taxonomy.
Basics of Phylogenetics - Difference between distance and character based methods.
Basics of Phylogenetics - How to calculate evolutionary distance.
Basics of Phylogenetics - How UPGMA and Neighbor Joining trees are generated?.
Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetic Tree Building using MEGA Software - Tutorial.
Basics of Phylogenetics - Understanding the nomenclature and types of phylogenetic tree..
Basics of Phylogenetics - Gene duplication and Speciation.
Phylogenetic Tree Topology - Gene species tree reconciliation.
Local Alignment (Smith Waterman).
SmithWaterman Algorithm (Local Alignment) Part 1 Urdu Version.
SmithWaterman Algorithm (Local Alignment) Part 2 Urdu Version.

Taught by

Farhan Haq

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