Introduction to Astronomy: Astrobiology

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Astronomy Courses Biology Courses Astrobiology Courses Intelligence Courses Extremophiles Courses Exobiology Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating field of astrobiology in this 2.5-hour lecture from the "Astronomy: Exploring Space and Time" course offered by Professor Chris Impey of the University of Arizona and Steward Observatory. Delve into topics such as the unity of life, extremophiles, exobiology, and the origin and evolution of life. Examine the nature of intelligence, the concept of "weird life," and the possibility of extraterrestrial companionship. Investigate the Drake Equation, interstellar communication, and the Fermi Paradox. Conclude by considering life as computation and the intriguing simulation hypothesis, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of astrobiology and its implications for our understanding of life in the universe.


11.00 Asrobiology Intro.
11.01 Biology.
11.02 The Unity of Life.
11.03 Extremophiles.
11.04 Exobiology.
11.05 The Origin of Life.
11.06 The Evolution of Life.
11.07 The Nature of Intelligence.
11.08 Weird Life.
11.09 Companionship.
11.10 Drake Equation.
11.11 Communication.
11.12 Fermi Question.
11.13 Life as Computation.
11.14 The Simulation Hypothesis.

Taught by

Teach Astronomy

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