Introduction to Arrays in C++

Offered By: CodeHelp - by Babbar via YouTube


C++ Courses Linear Search Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive video tutorial on arrays in C++, covering fundamental concepts and practical implementations. Learn about array declaration, initialization, indexing, and accessing elements. Explore array manipulation techniques including reversing an array and performing linear search. Understand the scope of arrays, their usage with functions, and different array types. Gain insights into finding maximum and minimum values within arrays. Engage with homework assignments and prepare for upcoming topics through provided questions. Access supplementary resources including code samples, notes, and community platforms for further learning and support.


- Introduction
- Promotion
- What is Array ?
- Why array ?
- Declaring Arrays
- Indexes in Array
- Accessing in array
- Initialisation in Arrays
- Homework
- Implementation
- Arrays with Functions
- Different types of Arrays
- Maximum/Minimum in an Array
- Scopes in Array
- Why arr[0] changed in main function ?
- Homework
- Linear Search
- Reverse an Array
- Some Question for next Video

Taught by

CodeHelp - by Babbar

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