Introducing the HandAxe Collections Pattern Language
Offered By: Strange Loop Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the HandAxe Collections Pattern Language in this thought-provoking conference talk from Strange Loop 2022. Delve into the world of collection protocols as Maurice Rabb, Director of Pedagogy at Spantree, introduces a novel approach to designing method protocols for programming languages. Learn how HandAxe emphasizes consistency, composability, and understandability while rigorously defining terms for collection aspects. Discover how this pattern language enables the specification of ideal naming, protocols, and semantics for methods, as well as the auto-generation of method implementations. Gain insights into the potential of HandAxe to revolutionize collection libraries across various programming languages, despite its current implementation in JavaScript. Throughout the 41-minute presentation, explore topics such as the challenges of existing solutions, the importance of well-designed method protocols, and the benefits of a unified approach to developing collection libraries. Engage with Rabb's passion for mentoring junior engineers and his unique perspective on software engineering, shaped by years of teaching experience.
HandAxe Pattern Language
A Luxurious Programmer Experience
the meh, the ugly, the bad, the nasty
Pattern Languages
JS Unordered Collection Protocol
Uncle Momo Teaching
HandAxe Vocabulary
HandAxe Accessors
HandAxe Qualifiers
HandAxe Setters
HandAxe supports immutability
Use Mutability Like a Spice
What is a hand axe?
Prototypal Inheritance
Auto Method Implementation
Naming Matters
Taught by
Strange Loop Conference
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