Introducing Graph Theory
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Dive into the fascinating world of graph theory in this comprehensive mathematics vlog. Explore fundamental concepts like cycle graphs, planar graphs, and directed graphs. Discover subgraphs and learn about the degrees of a graph. Examine intriguing structures such as Platonic graphs and the Petersen graph. Unravel the mysteries of walks, trails, paths, and cycles. Investigate Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, gaining a solid foundation in this essential branch of mathematics.
Mathematics vlog.
Graph theory.
Cycle graphs and other common graphs.
Planar graphs.
Directed graphs.
Degrees of a graph.
Platonic graphs and the Petersen graph.
Walks trails paths and cycles.
Eulerian graphs.
Hamiltonian graphs.
Taught by
Dr Juan Klopper
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