Interviewing & Hiring Like a Boss

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Team Building Courses Interviewing Skills Courses

Course Description


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Discover effective strategies for interviewing and hiring top talent in this insightful conference talk from YOW! Perth 2023. Learn from Kristine Howard, AWS Head of Developer Relations APJ, as she shares her experience from nearly 300 interviews at AWS. Gain practical tips to conduct more efficient interviews, save time, and improve the quality of your team's hires. Explore key aspects of the hiring process, including preparation before the interview, effective interviewing techniques, decision-making strategies, and pro tips for success. Whether you're a new hiring manager or looking to refine your recruitment skills, this presentation offers valuable insights to transform your approach to interviewing and hiring.


I hate interviewing
I love interviewing
Before the interview
Decision time
Pro tips

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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