Integrating C++ Code Generation Into a Large CMake Build

Offered By: ACCU Conference via YouTube


CMake Courses C++ Courses Code Generation Courses Service-Oriented Architecture Courses

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Explore the challenges and solutions for integrating C++ code generation tools into large-scale CMake builds in this conference talk from ACCU 2024. Learn how Bloomberg optimized their service-oriented architecture by implementing code generation for stub services and client libraries. Discover the decision-making process between configure-time and build-time code generation, techniques for ensuring fast and consistent incremental builds, and methods for measuring, testing, and rolling out code generation changes across a vast codebase. Gain insights into improving developer experience and build performance while simplifying the process of writing and calling services in a complex software ecosystem.


Integrating C++ Code Generation Into a Large CMake Build - CB Bailey - ACCU 2024

Taught by

ACCU Conference

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