Information Scrambling: A Path-Integral Perspective
Offered By: Cambridge Materials via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 22-minute seminar on information scrambling from a path-integral perspective, presented by Vijay Ganesh Sadhasivam from the University of Cambridge at the Lennard-Jones Centre discussion group. Delve into the fascinating world of quantum information dynamics and the process of scrambling, which has garnered significant attention in recent years. Examine the use of out-of-time-ordered correlators as quantitative tools for measuring scrambling rates in quantum systems through Lyapunov exponents. Investigate the conjectured universal quantum bound on scrambling rates in thermal quantum systems and discover how numerical studies on a model chaotic system suggest this bound may be a quantum-statistical effect explainable through imaginary-time Feynman path integrals. Learn about the role of delocalized structures in extended phase space, particularly bounce instantons, in establishing this bound. Cover topics such as chaos, thermalization, information theory, path integral approaches, separatrix chaos, numerical results, instantons, and the quantum bound on chaos. Gain insights from this February 2023 seminar that bridges theoretical concepts with practical applications in quantum information science.
Chaos, thermalisation and information
Why understand information scrambling?
Computing thermal OTOCS: Path integral appro
Model study: separatrix chaos
Numerical Results
Instantons and the quantum bound on chaos
Taught by
Cambridge Materials
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