Indian History by Pratik Nayak

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Indian History Courses Nationalism Courses Colonialism Courses

Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive lecture series exploring Indian history from the arrival of European powers to the struggle for independence. Delve into crucial topics for UPSC Civil Services examination, including the entry of Portuguese, British, and French colonizers, British conquests of various Indian states, and key treaties and policies implemented during colonial rule. Examine the impact of British governance on education, economy, and social structures, as well as India's response to colonization. Analyze pivotal events such as the 1857 Revolt, the rise of nationalism, and the formation of the Indian National Congress. Trace the evolution of the independence movement through various phases, including the Moderate and Extremist periods, revolutionary activities, and Gandhian movements. Study significant reforms, commissions, and acts that shaped India's path to freedom, culminating in the events leading to partition and independence.


HFS1/P1: Freedom Struggle: Entry of Portuguese and British in India.
HFS1/P2: Entry of French in India:Lord Dupliex to Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle(फ्रेंच आगमन).
HFS1/P3: British conquest of Bengal, System of Dual Government, Clive, Mir Jafar.
HFS1/P4: British conquest of the Mysore State, Tipu Sultan, Treaty of Srirangpattinam.
HFS1/P5: British conquest of the Maratha confederacy, Shivaji, Bajirao, Anglo-Maratha.
HFS1/P6: British conquest of the Sikh Empire, Ranjit Singh, Anglo-Sikh Wars-outcomes.
HFS2/P1: British Treaties- Subsidiary Alliance & Lord Wellesley.
HFS2/P2: British Treaties- Doctrine of Lapse & Lord Dalhousie.
HFS2/P3: British Rule- Regulating Act 1773 & East India Company.
HFS2/P4: British Rule-Pitts India Act 1784, Charter Act of 1793, 1813.
HFS3/P1:British India: Education & Socio-cultural Policy; Occidential, Orientalist Views.
HFS3/P2: British India: Vernacular Press and freedom of speech.
HFS3/P3: British India: Rise of Indian Civil services (ICS), Aitchichson, Islington, Lee.
HFS3/P4: British India: Land Revenue System-Zamindari & permanent settlement.
HFS3/P5: British India: Land Revenue system-Ryotiwari & Thomas Munro.
HFS4/P1: Impact of British Rule on Colonial Indian economy.
HFS4/P2: Deindustrialization in British India & its impact on artisans & handicraftsman.
HFS4/P3: Famines, Poverty & Farmers importverishment in British India.
HFS4/P4: Economic Drain of wealth: Poverty & unbritish rule in India.
HFS5/P1: Three Stages of Colonization in India- Merchantile, Industrial & Financial.
HFS5/P2: GG of EIC- Robert Clive to Lord Cornwallis: Expansion of East India Company.
HFS5/P3: GG of EIC-Lord William Bentick:Abolition of Sati,Thuggy & Female infanticide.
HFS5/P4: Governor-General Dalhousie:- The Maker of Modern India.
HFS5/P5: Indian Railways- its development & Role in expansion of British Empire.
HFS6/P1: Indian response to British colonization- Traditional and Modern Methods.
HFS6/P2: 1857 Revolt-Factors / Reasons behind India's first war for independence.
HFS6/P3: 1857 Revolt – Nature, Failure & Outcomes of Sepoy Mutiny.
HFS7/P1: Understanding State, Nation & Nationality in British India's freedom struggle.
HFS7/P2: Rise of nationalism and politics of association in British India.
HFS7/P3: Indian National Congress: origin, aims, objectives, safety-valve.
HFS7/P4: Moderates in India’s struggle for independence, Indian Councils Act 1861.
HFS7/P5: Extremists in India’s struggle for independence, Lal-Bal-Pal.
HFS7/P6: Beginning of Indian National Movement & related MCQ types in UPSC.
HFS7/P7: Lord Curzon & Partition of Bengal, Swadeshi Movement & Boycott.
HFS7/P8: Surat Split of Congress & fizzing of Swadeshi movement.
HFS8/P1: Revolutionary movement Phase-I: India & Abroad- Madam Bhikhaiji Cama & More.
HFS8/P2: Ghadar Movement, Komagata Maru incident, Canada's Apology.
HFS8/P3: Home rule movement 1916 to Govt. of India Act 1919.
HFS9/P1: Gandhi before India: struggle in South Africa- Assessment.
HFS9/P2: Gandhi in India: Champaran, A’bad, Kheda, Kochrab.
HFS9/P3: Mont-ford Reforms, Rowlett Act, Jallianwala Bagh.
HFS9/P4: Khilafat movement, Non Cooperation, Chauri Chaura- Assessment.
HFS10/P1: Swarajist movement, Pro-Changers and No-Changers.
HFS10/P2: Revolutionary movement Phase-II: Kakori, Chittagong, Lahore conspiracy,.
HFS10/P3: Nehru Report, Simon Commission, Jinnah's 14 Points.
HFS10/P4: Civil disobedience movement (CDM), Dandi March.
HFS10/P5: 2nd Round table conference (RTC): Event and Outcomes.
HFS10/P6: Communal Award, Poona Pact (1932): Salient Features, Evaluation.
HFS10/P7: Government of India act 1935: Salient Features, Evaluation.
HFS11/P1: Congress in Provincial Governments: Election to resignation (1937-39).
HFS11/P2: August Offer (1940), Individual Satyagraha, Vinoba Bhave.
HFS11/P3: Cripps Mission (1942): Proposals of Post-Dated Cheque.
HFS11/P4: Quit India Movement (1942-1944): Events & Assessment.
HFS12/P1: Rajagopalachari Formula (1944) Desai-Liaquat Pact (1945).
HFS12/P2: Wavell Plan (1945) Indian National Army (INA), RIN Mutiny.
HFS12/P3: Cabinet Mission (1946), Mountbatten Plan (1947) & Partition.

Taught by

Mrunal Patel

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