Importing Clothing and Accessories into Character Creator from ZBrush - Part 7

Offered By: Reallusion via YouTube


ZBrush Courses Animation Courses 3d Modeling Courses Texturing Courses Rigging Courses Clothing Design Courses PBR Materials Courses Character Creator Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to import clothing and accessories from ZBrush into Character Creator in this comprehensive 46-minute tutorial. Master essential techniques including combining objects, renaming materials, transferring skin weights, setting pivots, applying PBR textures, and saving customized assets. Explore advanced topics such as cloth physics, collision shapes, and animation baking. Discover how to create a seamless workflow for mixing and matching clothing, accessories, and animations to design personalized characters using both default and user-generated content. Perfect for 3D artists and game developers looking to enhance their character creation pipeline.


- Intro
- Combining Objects
- Mesh Display Normal Settings
- Renaming Materials
- UV Set Editor Rename & Copy UVs
- Exporting Game Res Geometry
- Character Creator Create Accessory Import
- Cloth vs Accessories
- Transfer Skin Weights for Shirt
- Edit Skin Weights for Armor
- Transfer Skin Weights for Pants, Gloves, Boots
- Setting Helmet Accessory Pivots & Attach to Bone
- Edit Mesh, Grow & Soft Selection
- Weapon Accessory Pivot & Attach
- Backpack Accessory Pivot & Attach
- Assigning Textures to PBR Materials
- Conform Clothing to Move Outside of Body
- Cloth Layer Settings
- Clothing Hide Body Mesh Tool
- Hard and Soft Physics
- Collision Shapes Capsules
- Activate Physics & Weight Map
- Bake Animation
- Saving Clothing & Accessories to Custom Library
- Applying Library Content to Character
- Applying Animations from Library Content
- Tweaking Accessory Positioning

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