Implementing Distributed Applications Using ZeroMQ, Python and Other Bad Guys

Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube


EuroPython Courses Python Courses Application Development Courses ZeroMQ Courses

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Explore the implementation of distributed applications using ZeroMQ and Python in this 56-minute EuroPython 2011 conference talk presented by Francesco Crippa. Delve into the intricacies of building scalable and efficient distributed systems, leveraging the power of ZeroMQ's messaging library alongside Python's versatility. Gain insights into best practices, common pitfalls, and advanced techniques for creating robust, high-performance distributed applications. Learn how to harness the strengths of these technologies to tackle complex architectural challenges in modern software development.


Implementing distributed applications using ZeroMQ, Python and other bad guys...

Taught by

EuroPython Conference

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