Identifying Your Motivators to Cultivate Resilient Communities
Offered By: TEDx via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the key ingredients of resilient communities and learn how to foster social connections, construct great teams, and build stronger, more vibrant communities for the future in this 18-minute TEDx talk by Ebonee Shaw. Discover how identifying your personal motivators can help navigate and bounce back from crises, demonstrating remarkable strength and cohesion in the face of adversity. Drawing from her 20 years of experience in non-profit development and event management, as well as her academic background in Finance, Business Administration, and Social Impact Management, Shaw offers valuable insights on cultivating community resilience. Gain practical knowledge on how to apply these principles to create lasting positive change in your local community and beyond.
“Identifying Your Motivators to Cultivate Resilient Communities” | Ebonee Shaw | TEDxWalnut Street
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