ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding - How Drupal Community Should Engage and Contribute

Offered By: Drupal Association via YouTube


Sustainability Courses Web Development Courses Drupal Courses Environmental Impact Courses Energy Efficiency Courses Carbon Footprint Courses Greenhouse Gas Emissions Courses Green Computing Courses

Course Description


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Explore the critical issue of rapidly increasing greenhouse gas emissions from Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in this 58-minute conference talk from DrupalCon Lille 2023. Delve into the alarming statistics that show ICT emissions surpassing those of the aviation industry. Gain insights into the Drupal community's responsibility towards environmental sustainability and learn practical approaches to mitigate the environmental impact of software development. Discover three key strategies for reducing emissions: measuring environmental impact, minimizing waste, and optimizing software. Acquire specific guidance tailored for Drupal and other Content Management System (CMS) platforms. Leave with a renewed sense of urgency and empowerment to implement eco-friendly practices in coding, design, and hosting. Access additional resources, including the speaker's freely available "Green Code" book, to further your understanding of sustainable software development.


ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How Drupal Community Should Engage and Contribute ...

Taught by

Drupal Association

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